What is sports therapy?
If you’re new to sports massage therapy, you may have a few questions. That’s fine! Questions are good!
You may find the answer to you are looking for in the section below, however, we are not all the same, so if you can’t find the answer to your questions or need more detail, feel free to get in touch here.
What is a sports massage?
Sports massage is a therapeutic intervention used by healthcare practitioners to help relieve muscular tightness, pain and postural imbalances.
Do I need a massage even if I don’t do sports?
You don’t need to be a sportsperson to reap the benefits of a sports massage. Sports massage is a term given to a group of techniques used, not to define the sort of people who need it. If you are feeling fatigued from work, tight from the gym, under rehabilitation from injury, or even if you just need to relax and unwind, a sports massage is for you!
What should I expect?
Your first appointment consists of a small consultation (unless you specify a full consultation), including postural analysis, explanation of your issue, treatment goals and how we will achieve this. We will also discuss which methods that will best suit you and your issue.
Does Sports Massage hurt?
Some techniques we use may cause slight discomfort and possible soreness to achieve the best outcome. If you find the pressure is too much for you, we can adjust the treatment to make it slightly more comfortable for you. Communicate with us!
What will I get out of it?
Injury Prevention and Treatment
Increased blood flow and circulation
Decreased stress and anxiety
Improvement in mobility and flexibility
Prepare you for physical activity
Enhances recovery
Keep aches and pains out of your healthy body
What is a trigger point?
A trigger point is a tight band of muscles which is positioned within in a larger muscle group. These trigger points can be quite sensitive and tender to touch, but can also radiate pain and tightness to other areas of your body.
Does dry needling hurt?
Dry needling can have different responses from person to person. A healthy muscle can feel slight discomfort on insertion of the thin needle. Sometimes, a muscle can become hypersensitive or might have a trigger point in the muscle group, in this case can give the sensation of a muscle cramp or an “electric shock”. This sensation is known as a “twitch response”. After a dry needling treatment, you can potentially experience mild muscles soreness or skin bruising.
How many treatments will I need?
What is MLS Laser Therapy?
How does MLS Laser work?
Does Laser therapy Hurt?
Everybody is different depending on your individual needs, lifestyle and how long you have been experiencing the complaint. This will be discussed at your consultation.
Therapeutic laser utilises the power of light, usually infra-red or near-infrared, to stimulate the cells in your body. Your clinician/therapist will use their laser over the area of pain or injury delivering light directly to the cells.
When certain cells absorb the light from a therapeutic laser there is an increase in energy (ATP) at a cellular level meaning the cells work harder to heal damaged tissues. Think of laser as being like a can of Red Bull or an espresso coffee for your cells – it safely and effectively allows them function at a higher level, doing their jobs more efficiently.
In addition to this, research has shown that laser can reduce and slow down the ‘pain messages’ in your nerves so you feel less pain and it also helps to reduce the number of pro-inflammatory cells in the area treated, resulting in a reduction in inflammatory processes.
For swelling, laser helps to stimulate the lymphatic system to flush through fluid, reducing oedema. Laser also helps to increase the circulation to the area it’s used on leading to an increase in supply of oxygen and nutrients to the tissues. As you can tell, laser works in lots of different ways to get you feeling better faster!
No! Laser therapy should not be painful. At Restore we are fully trained in the use of MLS®️ Laser Therapy which is a non-thermal laser - this means there is absolutely no risk of any harmful effects. The MLS® device uses a patented laser pulse technology to deliver high power completely safely, meaning we can give you extremely effective yet completely safe treatments.